Legal Services Overland Park


5200 Metcalf Avenue Suite 303
Overland Park , KS 66202
(816) 656-8921


IntegriShield was born out of necessity to comply with the changing state and federal regulatory landscape pertaining to internet liability in the performance marketing industry. Regulations were enacted that made advertisers responsible for all marketing and advertising claims online. Ignorance or lack of knowledge was not a suitable defense if discovered. There is a dark side of the Internet and it creates opportunity for anyone to abuse and exploit company trademarks and misrepresent brands. This dynamic created the need for a service that would effortlessly replace the inadequate search capabilities of one person endlessly scouring the Internet for the voluminous instances of violations, misstatements, falsehoods, or errors. And no other service provided the accuracy needed to improve outcomes.

IntegriShield can be found at 5200 Metcalf Avenue Suite 303 . The following is offered: Legal Services - In Overland Park there are 27 other Legal Services. An overview can be found here.


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Legal Services

Map 5200 Metcalf Avenue Suite 303